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2024-08-27 116






  • 利用C#读取windows性能计数器数据。
  • 将读取到的数据定期写入数据。
  • 根据第2步采集的数据,利用百度EChart制作数据图表。


1.要读取windows性能计数器数据,首先得了解性能计数器是如何存储数据的。每个计数器都是由 分类名称(CategoryName),计数器名称(CounterName),实例名(InstanceName)。
public PerformanceCounter( string categoryName, string counterName, string instanceName )


var counter=PerformanceCounter(“Processor”, “% Processor Time”, “_Total”);


public class SysParams
        public string NodeName { get; set; }
        public float CPUProcessorTime { get; set; }
        public float CPUPrivilegedTime { get; set; }
        public float CPUInterruptTime { get; set; }
        public float CPUDPCTime { get; set; }
        public float MEMAvailable { get; set; }
        public float MEMCommited { get; set; }
        public float MEMCommitLimit { get; set; }
        public float MEMCommitedPerc { get; set; }
        public float MEMPoolPaged { get; set; }
        private publicfloat MEMPoolNonPaged { get; set; }
        public float MEMCached { get; set; }
        public float PageFile { get; set; }
        public float ProcessorQueueLengh { get; set; }
        public float DISCQueueLengh { get; set; }
        public float DISKRead { get; set; }
        public float DISKWrite { get; set; }
        public float DISKAverageTimeRead { get; set; }
        public float DISKAverageTimeWrite { get; set; }
        public float DISKTime { get; set; }
        public float HANDLECountCounter { get; set; }
        public float THREADCount { get; set; }
        public int CONTENTSwitches { get; set; }
        public int SYSTEMCalls { get; set; }
        public float NetTrafficSend { get; set; }
        public float NetTrafficReceive { get; set; }
        public DateTime SamplingTime { get; set; }
        private PerformanceCounter cpuProcessorTime = new PerformanceCounter(Processor, % Processor Time, _Total);

        private PerformanceCounter cpuPrivilegedTime =
            new PerformanceCounter(Processor, % Privileged Time, _Total);

        private PerformanceCounter cpuInterruptTime = new PerformanceCounter(Processor, % Interrupt Time, _Total);
        private PerformanceCounter cpuDPCTime = new PerformanceCounter(Processor, % DPC Time, _Total);
        private PerformanceCounter memAvailable = new PerformanceCounter(Memory, Available MBytes, null);
        private PerformanceCounter memCommited = new PerformanceCounter(Memory, Committed Bytes, null);
        private PerformanceCounter memCommitLimit = new PerformanceCounter(Memory, Commit Limit, null);
        private PerformanceCounter memCommitedPerc = new PerformanceCounter(Memory, % Committed Bytes In Use, null);
        private PerformanceCounter memPollPaged = new PerformanceCounter(Memory, Pool Paged Bytes, null);
        private PerformanceCounter memPollNonPaged = new PerformanceCounter(Memory, Pool Nonpaged Bytes, null);
        private PerformanceCounter memCached = new PerformanceCounter(Memory, Cache Bytes, null);
        private PerformanceCounter pageFile = new PerformanceCounter(Paging File, % Usage, _Total);

        private PerformanceCounter processorQueueLengh =
            new PerformanceCounter(System, Processor Queue Length, null);

        private PerformanceCounter diskQueueLengh =
            new PerformanceCounter(PhysicalDisk, Avg. Disk Queue Length, _Total);

        private PerformanceCounter diskRead = new PerformanceCounter(PhysicalDisk, Disk Read Bytes/sec, _Total);
        private PerformanceCounter diskWrite = new PerformanceCounter(PhysicalDisk, Disk Write Bytes/sec, _Total);

        private PerformanceCounter diskAverageTimeRead =
            new PerformanceCounter(PhysicalDisk, Avg. Disk sec/Read, _Total);

        private PerformanceCounter diskAverageTimeWrite =
            new PerformanceCounter(PhysicalDisk, Avg. Disk sec/Write, _Total);

        private PerformanceCounter diskTime = new PerformanceCounter(PhysicalDisk, % Disk Time, _Total);
        private PerformanceCounter handleCountCounter = new PerformanceCounter(Process, Handle Count, _Total);
        private PerformanceCounter threadCount = new PerformanceCounter(Process, Thread Count, _Total);
        private PerformanceCounter contentSwitches = new PerformanceCounter(System, Context Switches/sec, null);
        private PerformanceCounter systemCalls = new PerformanceCounter(System, System Calls/sec, null);
        private PerformanceCounterCategory performanceNetCounterCategory;
        private PerformanceCounter[] trafficSentCounters;
        private PerformanceCounter[] trafficReceivedCounters;
        private string[] interfaces;

        public void initNetCounters()
            // PerformanceCounter(CategoryName,CounterName,InstanceName) 
            performanceNetCounterCategory = newPerformanceCounterCategory(Network Interface);
            interfaces = performanceNetCounterCategory.GetInstanceNames();
            var length = interfaces.Length;
            if (length  0)
                trafficSentCounters = newPerformanceCounter[length];
                trafficReceivedCounters = newPerformanceCounter[length];

            for (var i = 0; i  length; i++)
                // Initializes a new, read-only instance of the PerformanceCounter class. 
                //   1st paramenter: categoryName-The name of the performance counter category (performance object) with which this performance counter is associated. 
                //   2nd paramenter: CounterName -The name of the performance counter. 
                //   3rd paramenter: instanceName -The name of the performance counter category instance, or an empty string (), if the category contains a single instance. 
                trafficReceivedCounters[i] =
                    new PerformanceCounter(Network Interface, Bytes Sent/sec, interfaces[i]);
                trafficSentCounters[i] = new PerformanceCounter(Network Interface, Bytes Sent/sec, interfaces[i]);

            // List of all names of the network interfaces 
            for (var i = 0; i  length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(Name netInterface: {0}, performanceNetCounterCategory.GetInstanceNames()[i]);

        public void getProcessorCpuTime()
            float tmp = cpuProcessorTime.NextValue();
            CPUProcessorTime = (float) Math.Round(tmp, 1);
            // Environment.ProcessorCount: return the total number of cores 

        public void getCpuPrivilegedTime()
            float tmp = cpuPrivilegedTime.NextValue();
            CPUPrivilegedTime = (float) Math.Round(tmp, 1);

        public void getCpuinterruptTime()
            float tmp = cpuInterruptTime.NextValue();
            CPUInterruptTime = (float) Math.Round(tmp, 1);

        public void getcpuDPCTime()
            float tmp = cpuDPCTime.NextValue();
            CPUDPCTime = (float) Math.Round(tmp, 1);

        public void getPageFile()
            PageFile = pageFile.NextValue();

        public void getProcessorQueueLengh()
            ProcessorQueueLengh = processorQueueLengh.NextValue();

        public void getMemAvailable()
            MEMAvailable = memAvailable.NextValue();

        public void getMemCommited()
            MEMCommited = memCommited.NextValue() / (1024 * 1024);

        public void getMemCommitLimit()
            MEMCommitLimit = memCommitLimit.NextValue() / (1024 * 1024);

        public void getMemCommitedPerc()
            float tmp = memCommitedPerc.NextValue();
            // return the value of Memory Commit Limit 
            MEMCommitedPerc = (float) Math.Round(tmp, 1);

        public void getMemPoolPaged()
            float tmp = memPollPaged.NextValue() / (1024 * 1024);
            MEMPoolPaged = (float) Math.Round(tmp, 1);

        public void getMemPoolNonPaged()
            float tmp = memPollNonPaged.NextValue() / (1024 * 1024);
            MEMPoolNonPaged = (float) Math.Round(tmp, 1);

        public void getMemCachedBytes()
            // return the value of Memory Cached in MBytes
            MEMCached = memCached.NextValue() / (1024 * 1024);

        public void getDiskQueueLengh()
            DISCQueueLengh = diskQueueLengh.NextValue();

        public void getDiskRead()
            float tmp = diskRead.NextValue() / 1024;
            DISKRead = (float) Math.Round(tmp, 1);

        public void getDiskWrite()
            float tmp = diskWrite.NextValue() / 1024;
            DISKWrite = (float) Math.Round(tmp, 1); // round 1 digit decimal

        public void getDiskAverageTimeRead()
            float tmp = diskAverageTimeRead.NextValue() * 1000;
            DISKAverageTimeRead = (float) Math.Round(tmp, 1); // round 1 digit decimal

        public void getDiskAverageTimeWrite()
            float tmp = diskAverageTimeWrite.NextValue() * 1000;
            DISKAverageTimeWrite = (float) Math.Round(tmp, 1); // round 1 digit decimal

        public void getDiskTime()
            float tmp = diskTime.NextValue();
            DISKTime = (float) Math.Round(tmp, 1);

        public void getHandleCountCounter()
            HANDLECountCounter = handleCountCounter.NextValue();

        public void getThreadCount()
            THREADCount = threadCount.NextValue();

        public void getContentSwitches()
            CONTENTSwitches = (int) Math.Ceiling(contentSwitches.NextValue());

        public void getsystemCalls()
            SYSTEMCalls = (int) Math.Ceiling(systemCalls.NextValue()); }

        public void getCurretTrafficSent()
            var length = interfaces.Length;
            var sendSum = 0.0F;
            for (var i = 0; i  length; i++) sendSum += trafficSentCounters[i].NextValue();
            var tmp = 8 * (sendSum / 1024);
            NetTrafficSend = (float) Math.Round(tmp, 1);

        public void getCurretTrafficReceived()
            var length = interfaces.Length;
            var receiveSum = 0.0F;
            for (var i = 0; i  length; i++) receiveSum += trafficReceivedCounters[i].NextValue();
            var tmp = 8 * (receiveSum / 1024);
            NetTrafficReceive = (float) Math.Round(tmp, 1);

        public void getSampleTime()
            SamplingTime = DateTime.Now;

百度ECharts的用法可以参考百度 官方的例子。






